Professional Development at Clark Workshop

Illustration of a woman of color in professional clothing ascending a staircase made of arrows pointing up.

Join the Teaching and Learning Center for an overview of professional development opportunities at Clark. This workshop includes training in using your professional development dashboard to track your progress; reflection on your goals as an educator; and information on applying for Professional Placement and Advancement Credit (PPAC) equivalents (for full time faculty) and earning stipends and certificates (for adjunct faculty). We will cover required professional development for faculty, including Power, Privilege, and Inequity (PPI) training and HigherEd Works. We will discuss the process for applying for conferences and requesting funds for travel. This workshop will be offered quarterly, and may include guest visits from other professional development providers on campus, including eLearning, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Human Resources. 

Please note: this training centers a faculty audience, but anyone is welcome to attend! 

This workshop takes place in GHL 205, with coffee/tea and snacks provided by the TLC. For those not able to make it in person, you can join via Zoom.

You will find this and other TLC offerings on the Employee Training and Development Calendar


If you need an accommodation due to a disability to fully participate in this event, please contact Clark College's Human Resources office by phone at 360-992-2105 or by email: